Let's Build Your Website - Together

Hi, I'm Claire. I'm a developer, and I know that a website can make or break a business. That's why I want to help you build a site that will draw in customers and convince them that YOUR business is the best fit for their needs. I'm a Purdue alumna, and I live right here in West Lafayette. I love my community, and I want to help its businesses thrive. Scroll down to see more about what I can do for you.

Benefits of a Modern Website

  • Responsive Code

    Resposiveness means that a website can adapt itself to any type of display - whether it's a phone, a tablet, or a desktop PC. The sites I create will always be readible, accessible, and fully usable on any device.

  • Beautiful Design

    The modern Web allows for more beautiful designs than ever before. If your site was set up a decade ago, you're not taking advantage of what modern web design has to offer. Let's change that today.

  • More Views

    A responsive, well-designed website that is easy to use will give you more page views, which leads to more business. Let's figure out how to help more users get their eyes on your you, wherever they are.

My Work

Take a look at these examples of the type of work I can do for you. Click to see a full version of each site.

Your website should be a true reflection of what your business can deliver. The layouts, colors, fonts, icons, and copy should work in harmony to give the customer an immediate impression. If a site is outdated, badly-designed, or hard to use, what does that tell the customer? Your site should be a true showcase of your products and your talents. It's the first point of connection between you and the world. Let's make that connection a strong one.

My Process

  • 1. We'll talk about your needs and your budget.
  • 2. I'll draw up a proposal and contract.
  • 3. You'll review, and only sign if/when you are comfortable.
  • 4. The work begins!
  • 5. I'll keep you informed with regular updates
  • 6. When the work is finished, we'll review together.
  • 7. Once payment is submitted, the site is yours.
  • 8. (Optional) maintenance and support continues as needed.

Let's Get Started

I look forward to building something amazing with you!
Reach out to me via one of the methods below and we'll talk about your needs.